Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Do Not Resuscitate? The implication is ....

'Do not resuscitate' Is this placed automatically on the over 60s? If so, what is the point of going into hospital or staying in hospital? You are better off using a private hospital. Or hiring a private nurse. Or training all your family in first aid.

Most elderly people would rather die at home. They know how to operate the TV.

The next of kin should be given information on
a) Their right to leave hospital.

b) Who should be informed - i.e. hospital and social services.

c) Every person leaving and entering hospital should be checked in and out, directed to the right place.

d) If there is a car parking charge, somebody should be on duty to give change, inform visitors of opening times (to save wasted journeys), prevent non hospital visitors from entering - if the place is busy - if not why not, give them forms on how to donate money immediately, write the hospital into their will, or sign organ donation forms. Those eligible for free parking should be given forms or instructions on how to obtain forms.

e) Nil by mouth or do not resuscitate - next of kin should be informed.

f) Secondary next of kin (children) should also be consulted, especially of the spouse of an elderly person is also elderly and cannot grasp the significance of what they are consenting to.

g) Deprive somebody of water, food and sleep and they will feel so miserable and depressed that they want to die. This does not mean they should be allowed to die. If an attempted suicide is brought in you attempt to save them. The same help should be given for a person who has not had sufficient food, water and sleep.

h) Nobody should be left facing a blank wall.

i) Nobody should lie on their back with eyes open, unshielded, dazzled and blinded by an overhead spotlight.

j) A person who is not receiving food or water (e.g. with Nil By Mouth) should
a) be placed on a drip
b) their next of kin should be informed.

Do as you would be done by. But remember, other people's views may not be the same as yours.

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