Monday, November 28, 2016

Cinderella Updates - good or bad?

Rewriting Cinderella and other well-known plots into modern day stories is popular with new writers and writing groups. You have a setting, characters and a plot. You update it and change it so that only the plot remains. But once you change the characters and setting, that changes the plot. So more often just the theme is left, the boy meets girls, loses girl gets girl, and/or the rags to riches story. As reported by the BBC news website, the Cinderella story has been rewritten and updated by children, encouraged by an author who asks them leading questions. In my opinion, the most important part of the Cinderella story is the midnight curfew. She catches the last bus home. She decides it's bedtime. Never mind that the Prince and his party carry on. She has work to do next morning. Now, the question is being asked, are updates a good or bad idea? Since the original still remains, no reason why assorted updates should not be tried. Angela Lansbury, author and speaker. See my books on Amazon and