Thursday, March 20, 2014

Making Popcorn - Easy!

 Are you at home watching a movie? or just wanting a quick snack?

 I was amazed how easy it is to make popcorn. Buy corn in a supermarket or deli or ethnic food shop.
Store in a lidded container in your fridge because a spoon of it goes a long way.
My chef gave me these instructions:
"Put the oil in the pan, maybe with butter for more flavour. Put the pan at the back of the hob, heat it gently. Get a pan cover ready and gently slide in the corn. Don't turn the heat full on yet because you don't want it to shoot out into your eye and all over the floor. Cover pan with a glass lid and turn up the heat until the corn starts popping. Don't let it get too hot - once the first ones are popping turn the heat down so they don't burn and go black. If you can see lots have not popped, give the pan a gentle shake in case they are in a cold spot. Some won't pop. When you have finished popping turn off the heat and wait a minute or two until you are sure the popping has stopped. Then pour out your corn. You can add salt or sugar after. Don't remove the lid while corn is popping - it's too dangerous." 

Chew carefully - some half cooked bits may be hard and you want to preserve your teeth. Enjoy.  

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