Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Prize-winning Humorous Speech

I won a ribbon at Harrovians Toastmasters for an impromptu answer to the question, ‘Which animal would you like to be?"

A poodle. It has the best haircut. The cutest clothes. Bigger dogs follow it home. I’m sure it has lots of fun.

It’s loved. And pampered.

It gets made every meal. And it even gets doggy bags. I love doggy bags. I could live on doggy bags.

The only problem with being a poodle is that it doesn’t live as long as humans. So I would have to go to India where the Hindus believe in reincarnation. I don’t know if they believe animals are reincarnated as humans, but if humans can be downgraded to animals I’m sure animals can be upgraded to humans. So I’d be upgraded from a poodle to a turtle so that I could live a hundred years. Then if I were a good turtle, and, of course, I’d be a very good turtle, I’d be reincarnated back to the person I am now, Angela - who would like to be a poodle.

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