Thursday, January 7, 2010

Keeping Happy

Somebody on askpedia wanted advice on preventing negative thoughts and dreams.

Many best-selling books cover this subject and you can buy them second-hand or read contents and summaries and chapter headings.
The main suggestions are:

1 Play jolly background music or tune the radio to happy talk shows. Watch comedy on TV.
2 Write a note of blessings, successes and ambitions and achievable goals and put it visible by your desk.
3 Count blessings before you sleep - and write them on a pad beside your bed.
4 Stick up a smiley photo of a living friend. Have more photos of the living and friends and family than of the dead and strangers.
5 Exercise or walk every day. Or dance. Keep busy.
6 See or phone a jolly friend. Praise them. Thank them. Make them laugh.
7 Get enough sleep - 8 hours, or nap mid-afternoon.
8 Eat proper food - protein (meat, fish, cheese, eggs, if veg beans etc) and vegetables. Avoid junk food, sugary drinks, and bars which have sugars which give you a high followed by a low.
9 Change subjects if friends are negative or limit problems to 1/3 of each 15 minutes.
10 Be your own counsellor. Pretend you are a teacher. Look at your house and lifestyle and give yourself advice. Write it down and follow it.

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