Saturday, May 10, 2014

Dr Page from the uni of Hertfordshire has designed a mini home you can build at the end of your garden which needs no more skill to build than an IKEA flatpack. (I do hope it comes with good instructions. I had a lot of trouble with some of my flatpack chairs, from IKEA - and more so from elsewhere.)
It's fine for the agile twenty something year olds - so long as they are not drunk and don't roll over in bed. Now please design a granny flat which somebody with bad legs or a wheelchair could live in. Then young families will have a built-o babysitter at the end of the garden. Add a version for a single Mum with a baby. (Single bed please. No room for a second baby.

Could I save the money I spend on writing holidays by sitting in my DIY shed home for a week and finishing my novel. It would be a great hobby home, for a writer or painter. Plus a bed if you sit up all night finishing the novel or poem or painting or composing a song or opera. And the bed for an afternoon nap, the day after you sat up all night. Or just for meditation.

I won't mention the orgy or the brothel. Let's just stick to the novel - and let the novel include the more adventurous ideas.

I dream of a bed
In a little garden shed
Where I wrote my great novel
That at least one person's read.
Angela Lansbury
Copyright May 10 2014

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