Thursday, March 18, 2010

Financial Mistakes in Marriage - & Webinar Mysteries Solved

The irresistible question 'Are you making one of these financial mistakes in your marriage?' made me open the LinkedIn email from subgroup Career and Lifecoach Network. Coach Leslie Cunningham was inviting fellow members to a webinar. My comment is: Thank you for sending that. For years I've received invitations from USA sources and not known how to link up with webinars, thinking that being on a UK timezone it would be the wrong time (I'm asleep, eating or on public transport or in a meeting - or on stage at Toastmasters). It would also be an expensive phone call. Would it be pointless for the speaker who was seeking local people to attend paid seminars? From the point of view of me listening in the UK, anything aural is a nuisance to others in a public place - even at home. Dozens of reasons prevented me from replying. However, I just discovered from asking what's a webinar, that I can use the microphone on my Mac, maybe make a Skype call. Some of you readers will know how to translate outgoing or incoming sounds into text. Some organizers offer to send a text version to people who can't attend. Any other advice would be welcome. I'm putting this on my blog AngelaLansburyAuthorDiary.

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