Thursday, March 25, 2010

Winning Evaluation, Prepared Speeches

Tonight I won the speech evaluation contest.

I didn't win the prepared speech. Can't win them all. Maybe I'm a better teacher than doer.

I advised a new member on how to give his first speech. I suggested making his name memorable.

If he plays a sport he can use as a prop a golf club or a football. If he plays two sports link them together. If he used to play football but now plays golf, contrast the two, find what they have in common, be funny. For example, he used to play a sport which involved running around kicking a big ball, but now he's older he walks around and he needs the aid of a golf club just to hit a tiny ball.

Are the speaker's wife and father in the same or different kinds of business or profession? If the same, guess what my wife does? She also in finance/IT/Law/The music business/Whatever. Guess what my father used to do? He was also in finance/It/Law/The music business/Whatever. We don't have any children. But if we did, they would be in ...? Yes, finance.

You could link all parts of your speech with one of your hobbies, such as song titles. For example, I used to live in such and such a country. (Play their music or give a song title.) Then I moved to London. 'Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner that I love London so."

You could also use quotations or proverbs. For each town you live in. Or each profession if you changed jobs many times.

Talk about how your parents or teachers or friends helped you. Or how they tried to stop you but you persisted it.

Have some drama, disagreement. Even dramatise as if you are talking to yourself about the pros and cons.

Be positive. Give your biggest success, proudest moment. The turning point in your life.

What would you want to talk about? Who would you want to make friends with? Local people? Then tell them where you live and what you like about it. Or tell them why they should visit your area. Make it easy for the audience to remember your name, where you live, what you do in the daytime, your hobbies or sports, which members of your family are likely to answer the phone or door.

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