Friday, September 26, 2014

Publishing an ebook: why, how, first steps

I want to turn my books into ebooks. I have met lots of people who are interested in my books such as Quick Quotations but don't buy. Two reasons are:

1 It's too expensive as a print book.

Even if they don't say this, although some claim that they don't have cash on them but will buy next time.) I can't reduce the price of the print book unless  I run at a loss because I have to pay for the printing as well as the postage and packing. So an ebook would enable me to offer a better price.

2 I don't want to buy a book.
They might be travelling home and not want heavy luggage. The airline has a weight limit. It's a strain on their back to buy books.

3 I'd rather buy an ebook, later. Can you give me the details.
Some might be unsure. If I gave them the ebook details they might later decide to buy or to recommend the book to a friend.

I am considering using the various systems.  Amazon. Others.

We had talks on this offered at both Writers' Holiday and Writers' Summer School.

But the easiest way is to start with because my books are already on their system. have two home tutorials. One is on headings.

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