Monday, February 1, 2010

Caricatures by Angella at Sunny's party

While T had crashed his Suzuki in Malaysia, Angela was waiting dressed ready for Sunny's 50th birthday party.

The cake decorated with little red and white Danish flags is a typical Danish birthday cake in the shape of a man or woman, usually reflecting the sex of the birthday boy or girl, and the recipe contains ginger.

Sunny was very happy. Tall Ken was playing the guitar. So were two others, singing in English and French. Steve was dancing and rapping. I drew: Glenn the squash player, who broke his nose playing Rugby; Brendan the guitar player; Steve the football player; Yuriko with chopsticks; Bengt thinking of his boke; Dora who likes reading; Chie the Japanese pianist; and Chris, tennis player.
I asked one guest, 'Would you like me to draw you?' He replied, 'No, but I'd like you to ..." Funnily enough, I was not offended but had hysterics. Not the answer I was expecting.He later asked to kiss me on the lips, but I love reviewing restaurants and hotels and I don't do anything (except draw caricatures) unless I get a dinner date and bed and breakfast in a five star hotel.

Meanwhile, here are some photos and caricatures by 'Angella'.

Photos and caricatures copyright Angela Lansbury

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