I have a prospective pupil who gets up too late to visit me for English lessons in the morning.
This is inconvenient for me.
I am stressed out texting her to see if she wants a lesson and not getting a reply.
She arrived once very late.
Why? I've been thinking about this and think I know the answers.
I know somebody else who gets up late, after working through the night.
At certain times in my life I've done the same.
Earlier this week I was late for an event.
Let's look at causes and solutions.
1 Fear of meeting new people.
2 Fear of going to new places.
3 Being too tired to cope with public transport and work out directions.
4 Not wanting to get in conflict with taxi drivers.
5 Running out of money because one spends on luxuries rather than necessities.
6 Running out of money for events and transport because one spends every coin and note in one's pocket on status enhancing products. (Because I'm never good enough.)
7 Working at night because it is less stressful to be free of interruptions from phone calls from friends and others.
8 Working at night because one is free from the stress of knowing one ought to phone people who are only available in daytime, banks, shops etc.
9 Night time is 'me time' when one can do what one wants without pressure from others. A chance to act randomly, read, fritter away time.
10 One is dis-satisfied with life and wants to get more hours of the day for that great unfinished project, the novel, the personal memoir, the homework or job which is nearing the deadline.
1 Wake up with the light by leaving the curtains open. (After one short of sleep night you'll have no trouble sleeping before midnight the next night.)
2 Write down tasks and do them in order.
3 Positive thinking. Tell yourself how much you are looking forward to an event.
4 Have a quick-dress outfit. Don't spend hours deciding what to wear to impress. Have a standard good enough outfit. A dress instead of co-ordinates which have to match. tomorrow's clothes on the hanger ready.
5 Tell people in advance when you will have to leave so they don't delay you.
6 Calculate how long it takes to dress and travel to an event. Don't focus on be there at seven and then stop working at 7 and start getting ready to go out, when dressing will take half an hour and travelling half an hour. Focus on dress at 6. Tell yourself, not - I'll just spend five more minutes on this and then dress. Tell yourself, I'll just spend five minutes dressing and then come back to this.
7 Similarly with bedtimes, Cajole and trick yourself. If bedtime is midnight, at 11.30, tell yourself, I'll just spend five minutes, cleaning my teeth, just five minutes, undressing, just lie down and shut my eyes for five minutes and then I can do another ten minutes work before midnight. Suddenly you've got to sleep.